For student: Thomas Linkin their grades for the course CIS265 is listed below:
Participation Average is: 12
Homework Average is: 76
Project Average is: 82
Quizzes Average is: 85
Exam Average is: 80
Final Exam Grade is: 82
Their final average overall is: 80.95
For student: Patrick Ford their grades for the course CIS265 is listed below:
Participation Average is: 8
Homework Average is: 90
Project Average is: 87
Quizzes Average is: 90
Exam Average is: 85
Final Exam Grade is: 91
Their final average overall is: 82.25
For student: Luis Parker their grades for the course CIS265 is listed below:
Participation Average is: 14
Homework Average is: 95
Project Average is: 70
Quizzes Average is: 83
Exam Average is: 89
Final Exam Grade is: 70
Their final average overall is: 81.1
For student: Brittany Rose their grades for the course CIS265 is listed below:
Participation Average is: 12
Homework Average is: 75
Project Average is: 90
Quizzes Average is: 95
Exam Average is: 95
Final Exam Grade is: 90
Their final average overall is: 89.5